PNY GTX 560 Ti XLR8 OC2 - 3D Mark Vantage

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3D Mark Vantage

Synthetic benchmark developed by Futuremark, necessarily requires the presence in the system of a video card with support for DirectX 10 API and a Windows Vista or 7. The benchmark consists of 6 separate tests: 4 focused on the GPU and 2 on the CPU. The tests are performed in up to 4 presets configured by Futuremark, characterized by a different level of workload in order to better reproduce the typical scenario of use of your system depending on the hardware configuration in use. The software allows you to set the configuration Entry, Performance, High and Extreme. The tests were done only in Entry, Performance and High mode.


PNY proposal is positioned above the previous top of the range Nvidia, i.e. the GTX 480, a sign that there was a significant improvement.